5 Web Design Tips to Acquire Better SEO Results

Irfan Ak
4 min readFeb 23, 2017

Your business website is not only a tool to attract potential customers, it also suggests how responsible you are, as a business and responsive to customer’s ever changing dynamics. Your business website also ensures a prominent presence of your business on the internet.

There is a myriad of factors that contributes to the factors that lead to improved search engine optimization (SEO) results for your website. Google has a proper proprietary algorithm in place to calculate it. While is in not important to now each and every factor that contributes to the better ranking of your website, there are some that should be known to you as you embark on making a website for your business. The 5 most important SEO-focused web design practices will help your site get the much-needed customer attraction.

Design responsively

You must have read about how quickly and effectively people are shifting their internet usage from desktop computers to their mobile devices, read smartphones and tablet. Along with the fact that this transition is very lucrative and provide a lot of conveniences to the users, the number of transitioning people is enormous.

Globally a whopping number of 52.7% of the total population uses internet on their mobile devices and in U.S. as much as 75.1% users access the internet through their mobile phones. The way mobile users are entering into the mobile space usage, Google actually factors in whether your website is mobile friendly or not in its rankings.

Therefore, if you want your potential customers to be able to find your website on the search engines and use it, you must bank on the responsive website design technology. Responsive website designing uses website development technology that automatically detects the display screen size of the device and adjusts the web elements accordingly for a display without any loss of the functionality.

Responsive website design aids in the SEO process tremendously and helps in lowering your bounce rate as now Google takes into account ‘Mobile-friendliness’ when calculating the SEO Score of a website.

Make use of small images

Images make a website design look great, but they can also contribute to slowing down the loading speed of your website. Load time is an imperative element of your website monetization strategy.

Keeping your image size to a minimum is an important factor to follow in every website design creation that you embark on. The online visitor of today is busy and no one likes to spend idle time while waiting for the website to load fully. Did you know that a mere 1-second delay in page load time reduces the conversion rate to as much as 7% and can significantly increase your bounce rate? As many as 47% of your total online visitors expect your website to load in just 2 seconds time.

In order to reduce image size, you must comply with the following things:

  • Resize your images before you put them on your website. If you upload a photo from a camera straight to the web, it may shrink the physical size of the photo but the file size will remain too large for web viewing.
  • Bring your website images into Photoshop and save them at a lower quality. Unfortunately, there’s no magic quality setting here. You will have to adjust the quality settings until the image looks good enough.
  • Run your images through a compression app like ImageOptim (Mac). We downloaded all images to a computer, batched them all through ImageOptim, re-uploaded them and cut image size as much as 90%.
  • Use shaded boxes in place of background images, and use SVG images whenever possible.

Enable caching

Another easy way to reduce your website’s load time and acquire better SEO results is to enable caching. When your web-pages will be cached, the important files will be stored in the temporary folder of the computer or the device, which means the next time this user try to open up your website, the main files will upload from the device’s memory instead of the server, which in turn makes load time significantly low, even on low bandwidth internet.

Don’t forget to integrate social media sharing

Even though Google declared that social media sharing is not a significant factor in determining the efficacy of SEO for any website, however, we still believe that the power of sharing that social media brings to users works terrifically to increase the social status and viral ability of any online content.

The more your content is shared and seen, the more potential links can be earned, giving the website more credibility with search engines. If nothing else, this is a great chance for you to take advantage of some free marketing!


SEO is all about results and rankings that come through keywords. However, another most important factor that every business owner should keep an eye on is creating a pleasant user experience. Website’s usability is crucial when your website is service based or is selling stuff online. To make sure your website’s usability is at par, make sure to answer these questions prior the launch.

Read Full Story Here: https://www.branex.ca/blog/web-design-tips-for-seo/



Irfan Ak

Irfan Ak is a tech savvy, digital content marketing expert & a blogger on various websites. He has worked with several brands and created value for them.